
Many cooks are intimidated by spices. All too often, a pot of spice is bought for a recipe then pushed into the gloomy depths of the back of the kitchen cupboard, where it remains untouched for many years. Let us change it. 



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I have sales experience. I have teaching experience n important thing is I m interested in food, spices, recipe’s. Kindly consider me for any type of vacancy at your company. I would love to be a part of such industry who is discovering new flavors recipe’s and led by a passionate woman trying to take her country’s taste worldwide.

sujata nikam

Hello Shivani,
Hope you’re doing great. I am just writing to know is there any hiring right now for retail sales supervisor. I have 15 months experience and I drive too. Please let me know if any hiring right now.

Shivpreet Singh

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